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By Robert A. Meyer
Many people have pondered the question: What is the meaning of lifewhy are we here? After much reflection, most conclude that this question is unanswerable. Tragically, some decide that life has little or no meaning. A fortunate few arrive at a place where they say “Yes! I understand. My life does have meaning.” They realize that the answer isn’t something outside of who they are. The answer is in the nature of their existence.
Rational Selfishness versus Altruism
An individual must live for the sake of his own existence. Altruists deny this fundamental truth. They claim it is selfish and mean to be concerned with one’s self-interest. They advocate sacrificing for others. Unfortunately, many unconditionally accept this faulty proposition. They are oblivious to the fact that this belief is illogical.
Is it really better to give than receive? Most would say yes. What they don’t understand is that somebody has to be on the receiving end. Using the “logic” of an altruist the person receiving would have to turn around and give what he received to another. They would pass around the object or value in question like a hot potato. After eons it would arrive back at its starting point. So the saying “It is better to give than receive” is an empty slogan with no basis in reality.
A rationally selfish individual trades value for value. He lives for his own sake. He helps another satisfy their most urgent desires when he treats them as a trader not as someone he has to give something toor take something from. An altruist expects people to live for otherssometimes the altruist himself. He demands that people give their lives away. No wonder so many people find little or no satisfaction in their existence. Since they are sacrificing values without receiving any in return their lives become meaningless.
The rationally selfish individual finds meaning in his existence because he is obtaining valuesand that includes spiritual values. He would never purposely sacrifice a higher value for a lower value. Since others benefit when involved in a relationship with him everyone gains values (whether they realize it or not). No wonder the rationally selfish person discovers his life is worthwhile. It is an experience filled with pleasure and ecstasy.
The Pain and Suffering of Government Interventionism
Our present economic system of government interventionism is the result of the faulty belief system of altruism put into action. All government intervention benefits one person or one group at the expense of others.
Some people are intelligent enough not to purposely sacrifice a higher value for a lower value. Because of this, altruists turn to the violent compulsion and coercion of the government to force individuals to sacrifice their life, liberty and property. Government expropriates a person’s hard-earned money through taxation, inflation and onerous regulations. The slogan “It is better to give than receive” is amended to read “Since it is better to give than receiveyou do it voluntarily or we will take it from you.” Theft has been legalized.
A society based on the predatory anti-life philosophy of altruism destroys the life, liberty and property of its people. It forces individuals to sacrifice their highest values. Is it any wonder that many come to believe that life has no meaning? Especially since they are brainwashed into accepting that they exist only to be sacrificial fodder for others needs and desires. These victims end up languishing in their pain and suffering.
The Joys of Libertarianism
The rationally selfish individual believes in trading value for value. He doesn’t expect anyone to sacrifice his or her life for him. And he certainly wouldn’t sacrifice his highest values and life to another. His life is his highest value.
He believes in the sanctity of life, liberty and property. Because of this he supports the only system that corresponds to the needs of other rationally selfish individuals unhampered capitalism. He knows that no man has the right to exist at the expense of another. He considers altruism and all social systems derived from itsuch as communism, socialism and government interventionismas pure evil.
He enjoys the pleasures and ecstasies life has to offer. He is whole and healthy in body, mind and spirit. He lives The Libertarian Way.
Why Are We Here?
We are here to exist for our own sake. Libertarians are rationally selfish individuals who know that life is worthwhile.
About the Author: Robert A. Meyer has been investigating and studying economics, philosophy, psychology and metaphysics for 30 years. He realizes there are basic principles of Human Action that will help you become successful. His knowledge that life is to be lived on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level allowed him to discover “The Libertarian Way.” He experiences its many pleasures and ecstasies on a daily basis.
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