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By Renee Goodrich
Here are two fun adjective lesson plan ideas.
1. We’re Going on an Adjective Hunt!
How many adjectives can your students find in the classroom?
Get them to look on the walls, on the door, on the windows, in the hall and inside student desks and books.
This is especially fun if your students work in groups.
Give each group a large piece of paper so that they can write down the adjectives that they find and limit the hunt to 10 or 15 minutes.
To add to the excitement, use chalk to write hidden adjectives under desks, on the walls, on the floor and on chairs (pen on masking tape works well too). This is especially useful if you want to focus on a specific theme.
For a twist, take the chalk outside and write the words on concrete and bricks.
For another twist write adjectives on pieces of paper and hide them in the
2. Eeeek! It’s a Monster!
Get your students to create a picture of a monster.
Before they start, have a class discussion about what features you would find on a monster. What do they look like?
If there is time read a couple of picture books with monsters in them. “The Scariest Monster in the World” and “Where the Wild Things Are” are good choices.
Use the discussion and story reading time to start creating a word bank of ‘monster’ adjectives. Write them on the board or place them on a notice board.
Create a demonstration monster so that your students can get a clear idea of what they will be doing. If you don’t have time to do it yourself, get a couple of motivated students who are crafty to create one for you. They can talk to the class about what worked and what didn’t work.
Use wool and strips of newspaper for hair, scrunched up paper or pieces of foam for warts, styrofoam for teeth, rolled and shaped paper for lips and thick paint for the skin and weeping eyes. Anything goes really. The idea is to create a very textural image of a monster.
Give your students plenty of time to create their picture so that they can add lots of elements : bulging eyes, drooling mouth, warty skin, big nose, sharp claws, stringy hair and so on.
When your students have finished their monster, ask them to write a description of it. Something like, This Monster has stringy hair, bulbous blood-shot eyes, green pock-marked skin and jagged teeth.
This may be the time to brainstorm more adjective ideas.
When your students are happy with their description they can write it out neatly in large letters at the bottom of the picture.
Get your students to highlight the adjectives in their description by writing them in a different color, sprinkling them with glitter or underlining them.
The pictures can be displayed in the classroom, placed in a loose leaf folder to create a book or used as an illustration for a short story.
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Click here to download Renee’s free classroom ready adjective worksheets.
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